Extension Assigned Employee Resources

As an Assigned Employee of Extension, we want to ensure you are fully equipped with the tools and resources you need to be successful on assignment!

First, it’s important to have access to all Federal and Wisconsin Labor Law poster information. You can find them all below – please use them as a resource!

Federal Labor Law Posters
Wisconsin Labor Law Posters

We also recognize that throughout your assignment, you may have various questions pertaining to many different things. We are here to help!

For most questions, start with your Extension Representative – this is more than likely the Recruiter that you worked with to find your position!

For questions specific to benefits, employment policies, accommodations, or any confidential matters or concerns, please contact our Human Resources Department: hr@extensionrecruiting.com

For questions specific to your timecard, paychecks or any payroll-related info, please contact our Accounting Department: sterling@extensionrecruiting.com

From all of us here at Extension, we’re absolutely thrilled to have you on the team!

