7 Tips to Nail Your Next Interview


Picture this, you’ve just landed your first interview with a great company and your dream role, but you feel unprepared. We’ve all been there. Lucky for you, we asked our amazing recruiters for the BEST tips and tricks for getting ready for an interview! Our recruiters are your biggest advocate and they will do whatever they can to make you feel comfortable and ready to take on the first part of your career journey.

Tip #1: Do Your Research

The first (and one of the most important) steps during interview prep is doing research on the company you will be interviewing with. You should familiarize yourself with what the company does, how they make money, and especially their mission statement and company values. It is clear to a hiring manager when a candidate has done their research; it will show while you are answering questions. Rereading the job description for the role is also key so that you can connect your own experiences with the skills that the hiring manager is looking for.

Tip #2: Give Experience Examples

Preparing examples of experiences you have had in your career journey that relate to the role you’re interviewing for is a great way to show the company that you’re capable of the skills they’re looking for. Using the job description, focus on the most relatable job duties and be prepared to explain what you can bring to the role. Practicing before the interview can also be helpful so that you don’t accidentally go off-topic or talk for too long. Keeping your responses brief while also showing how you can add value to the company will display your confidence and help the hiring manager see that you are invested in the role.

Tip 3: Ask Questions

Asking questions at the end of an interview is a very important step to really show the hiring manager that you’re envisioning yourself in the role and want to learn more. You should prepare 2-3 in-depth questions to ask, making sure that they’re not something that can be found with an easy Google search. For example, questions about the training program, the company's current goals, or what success in that specific role looks like are great things to ask to impress the hiring manager.

Tip #4: Dress to Impress

It’s very important to dress well for a job interview, even if it’s a video interview. It makes you look professional and helps you give a great first impression. It also shows that you respect the company and are serious about the role. Dressing professionally boosts your confidence as well, which shows while you’re interviewing!

Tip #5: Phone/Video Interview Etiquette

Now that phone and video interviews have become much more common, here are a few tips specifically relating to remote interviewing etiquette.

For phone interviews, make sure you are in a quiet location so that both you and the hiring manager can properly hear. Also, since you aren’t being seen during a phone screening, let enthusiasm show in your voice so that the hiring manager can still imagine that you are excited about the role.

The setup for video interviews is typically the most critical part of the process. Place your camera on a stable surface like a desk or table, or wherever you can best present yourself professionally. Be sure to not hold your phone/laptop during the interview because that may cause the camera to be shaky or distracting. Act as if you are actually at an onsite interview by smiling, making eye contact, and bringing tons of excitement.

Tip #6: Be Punctual

A huge part of the interview process and in the workplace, in general, is punctuality. Arriving about 10 minutes early to your interview will ensure that you are on time and it shows that you are respectful of the company's time, too. Punctual behavior displays professionalism and will help show the hiring manager that you are responsible and intentional.

Tip #7: Express Enthusiasm

Don’t be afraid to show that you are excited about the role you’re interviewing for! Hiring managers want to know that this is a job you are interested in and that you will thrive in the position. Show off your personality and express enthusiasm and excitement in your voice to show your confidence and to make the most out of your interview.

Now that you have got all the tips you need to nail your interview, we have no doubt that you will succeed in landing a great role!

At Extension, our Recruiters do their best to make you feel prepped and ready at any stage during the process. If you are interested in finding your dream role, reach out to Extension today by emailing us at team@extensionrecruiting.com or by calling us at 414-727-1715. We can’t wait to hear from you!

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